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Multiple measurements on the same chart

  • 4 September 2023
  • 4 replies

Guessing this should be obvious but I can’t figure it out. I’m trying to plot the event count and the median of an event property on the same chart. Is there a way to do this?

Hi @Eyal Bukchin 

You can try using custom formulas to chart out 2 different metrics in the same chart for most of the cases.

Here’s a demo chart using 2 custom formulas -

Hope this helps.

Thanks, appreciate the reply. But as far as I can tell, custom formulas don’t support median, right?

Yes, there isn’t a direct custom formula for median in there. You can try using PERCENTILE(A, 0.5) to get close to the median.

Else the only other way would be to display the “Median of Property Value” metric and the total count of event in two separate charts and add them in a dashboard to compare “side by side”.

Ah, haven’t noticed PERCENTILE. Thanks!
