Hello! I’m new to working with such complex APIs in the marketing topic I am far from, but I’m trying to automate things for my company.
What I need:
I need to retrieve data of unique completed purchases by users in percentage (which is generally quantity of users that have successfully finished a purchase divided by quantity of unique users that have started the purchase). I know the period of time. I know the name of events. I understand which funnel I am working with. I have api key and secret key.
What I do not understand and struggle with:
- What API should I use?
- AI Amplitude Assistant recommended me to use Dashboard REST API, especially Funnel analysis, but there are no details in documentation where to get funnel_id. And examples are not as complex as real-life ones (its a general issue for documentation as for me, because not all developers are of senior level).
- Also I tried to generate requests based only on specifying events and I get data that is very close to which I see on the dashboard, but still may have 5-10% difference. I found on forum that the issue may be connected with time zones, but my chart is in UTC, and by default “uniques” stats are pulled out also in UTC.
- Also I need to “filter” results by 3 main groups: US, EU and all other world, but I found no examples in API how to do that.
I will be very grateful if someone will help me to figure this out and i will be able to save my company multiple hours per month with correct automated requests.
Upd. Can’t fix the mistake in topic.
Amplitude API*