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Hello community,

we are currently using Amplitude for the reporting with one of our customers. However, they should not be able to see personal identifiable data of the users. Is there a way to share a link to the dashboard so that the people who watch the board can interact with the board, but cannot inspect the data points in the graphs i.e. are not given the option to “Show user paths”, “View users”, and “Download Users”. Is that possible? If that does not work, is it possible to somehow restrict the type of data that can be downloaded? For example, we want to avoid that, for example, the IP addresses can be viewed.

Thank you in advance for the support! 

Kind regards

Hi @marijan.divkovic,

Thanks for reaching out with this!  One option to consider would be using the Public Link feature.  This will allow the recipient of the link to view the charts in the dashboard at a high level, and even hover over data points to see key takeaways.  They would also not be able to click into individual charts to inspect further.  I recommend creating a public link and viewing it yourself to test if this is satisfactory for you.

On a related note, while you have control over what data you choose to send to Amplitude, sending PII is not recommended as a best practice.  If this data is important for your analytical use cases, you may want to consider sending the values in a hashed format to reduce security and privacy concerns moving forward.
