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We have a product purchasing funnel of `product page viewed` → `product added to cart` → `Revenue` with `price` (e.g. $12.99, $23.99,$50.99) as the event property in each event.

I am interested in the conversion break-down of different price buckets. E.g. products price between $0-20, $30-50, $50-100, >$100. How could I do this through breakdown by property and hold … constant?


Do I have to change the tracking code to append the price bracket event property to every event? 

Hey @yaqi 

From what I know, there isn’t a direct way to create property value buckets when using the funnel analysis charts and combining it with the breakdown by property clause to meet your use case.

You can try creating price bracket as a derived property on your price event property using the supported conditional operators and arrive at a formula which covers the price range values you are interested in. You can then use breakdown by this property in your funnel.

However, Derived properties is only available to enterprise customers and customers who have purchased the Govern add-on.


Hope this helps.
