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Hi all!  I understand Amplitude funnel’s provide an “exclude” feature; you can exclude a user if they perform a certain event between steps of the funnel.

Is there anyway to exclude users who performed a certain event *not* between steps of the funnel?  I suspect the answer is “No” (it’s not obviously available on the funnel page), but figured I would check.  Assuming the answer is “No”: does anyone have an approach for performing analyses like this?  One thought was to make sure user properties are set for the kinds of things you want to exclude on, but using events is more convenient since we already have events being sent.

Hey @jswilson! You can add this logic as a user filter on the right-side panel. 


Here’s an example:


If I use the above logic, it will exclude any user who performs Purchase Song or Video in the last 30 days from being counted in my funnel analysis. 


Hope this helps!

@SheenaGreen Thank you!  This is exactly what I needed; can’t believe I hadn’t seen that before, really appreciate the help.
