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I am looking at user behaviour within the first few days of signup however I am curious about the note “(only new users in the past 90 days)” following the time period selection. Does this mean that my analysis is limited to a rolling 90-day window and I cannot look at my entire population over time? 

Thank you for your help!



Hey @andreias ,

From what I understand, it’s only applicable for analyzing the events for those who have been new in the past 90 days and fired that specific event within X days of becoming a new user. 

Here’s another thread which might help for context -


Hope this helps!

Thanks Saish, 

I guess this answers my question, but I’m not entirely conviced about the practival implications to my analysis. Does this mean I will never be able to look at the behaviour of users who signed up 100 days ago?



Technically, this means you will be limited to using the “within” clause in the user segment for new users past the 90 day mark.

However, you can leverage the “New Event” and/or the “performed by New Users” for any specific new user analysis , which I believe currently don’t have any time interval limitations as far as event segmentation goes. 

Technically, this means you will be limited to using the “within” clause in the user segment for new users past the 90 day mark.

However, you can leverage the “New Event” and/or the “performed by New Users” for any specific new user analysis , which I believe currently don’t have any time interval limitations as far as event segmentation goes. 

Also, they have a historical count feature which could help in a such analysis if that fits your case. You will have to be on a Growth or Enterprise plans to use this.

Many Thanks for the inisights!
