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Hi community, this is my first question here.

I have a page with a list of cards. Each card fires an event “card clicked” with a property “name”. 

I would like to graph the percentage of cards that receive more than 10 clicks a day every day, grouped by “name”.

I can’t think of a great way to do this, but following to see what ideas other folks might have. I’d love for this ability! 

Hey @luigi.radicati 

Interesting use case. Currently, I don’t see a direct way to select any event as an entity in itself in any particular chart so that we get to choose the times it gets fired in an interval, unlike we can do with users.

The closest I can think off is using the Frequency metric in an event segmentation chart and then switching to a Horizontal Bar view with % Relative toggle, but in pretty hacky way. Similar to this -

In this, you’ll have to deal with the pre aggregated bucket frequency Amplitude generates for you. The hacky filter way would be to the use the bar chart view and then in the Search Bar in the Breakdown Table and search for something like “10”.

This won’t guarantee the % graphing as I found that the  search bar text filter doesn’t get carried over to the Horizontal Bar view’s Breakdown Table.


If those cards are an important entity in your product workflow and those metrics are something which are of high value, then I would recommend reading about how those cards can be instrumented as groups.


This isn’t a complete practical solution by any means and I would love to hear for any other possible workarounds. Hope this helps.


Hi Luigi!

Saish’s solutions are great workarounds! In the end there is not an exact way to do this out of the box. You could achieve this if you implement some more things. Saish’s suggestion to implement your cards as groups would be the most effective! They you can instrument a group property that denoted whether or not a card has more than 10 clicks a day every day then you can filter for those cards and group them by name. You could use Custom Formulas to make the percentage that you want too 


This solution will require having the Accounts feature as part of your plan as well. Saish’s solution is the closest without any extra implementation!


Let me know if you have any questions.




@Saish Redkar thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately in my case I have a high number of cards (more than 1000), therefore this approach does not fit because the table would be too big.

Still, any other idea is welcome.

Hey @luigi.radicati 

If you have the re-instrumentation bandwidth, then I think the groups approach might work the way Sydney suggested for the amount of cards you have.

Exporting your raw event data and writing the custom SQL for this will be the other way. You can either use recurring exports to the cloud destination of your choice or leverage the Export API .

