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Can I exclude weekends from my charts?

Hello everyone,


I work for a B2B company and we want to track the monthly development of events by using timelines (see screenshot). Is it possible to exclude the weekends?

Thanks for you help.


13 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hey @nadjare 

Afaik, there isn’t a direct way to filter out the weekends in Amplitude. You can try using the offset functionality, but that doesn’t help much for a longer time horizon beyond a week.

Their documentation suggests using the rolling window/average metric to smooth out the chart in case of cyclical users, but not sure if that suits your use case.

The only other approach I can think of is instrumenting a ‘day_of_week’ property or creating this as a derived property ( if you are already sending a custom timestamp property ) and try filtering out Saturday and Sunday values.


Let me know if I have interpreted your use case correctly. Hope this helps.

Userlevel 1

Thank you Saish, helpful as always! :) 
Do you know if Amplitude is planning to introduce an exclude weekends functionality any time soon? 

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hi @nadjare ,


@Saish Redkar is right, as per usual ;) Currently, there isn't a way to exclude weekends from your chart, however, I'm happy to pass this information along to our Product team on your behalf via a feature request. If you wish for me to do so, would you be so kind as to PM me your email address you use for Amplitude and your name? Thank you so much!


Kind Regards,


Just wanted to add a +1 (not being able to exclude weekends is the main reason we still use Pendo for some of our analytics instead of doing all on Amplitude).

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Hi @timonbimon ,


I'm happy to pass this information along to our Product team on your behalf via a feature request. Would you be so kind as to PM me your email address you use for Amplitude and your name? Thank you so much!


+1 for me too, i’ll send you a PM @Denis Holmes 

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Amplitude recently launched the Event Hour of Day / Day of Week properties wherein you can use these properties to selectively filter on specific days/hour of the event occurrence ( not sure if this is GA to all or just paid customers )

You can exclude events performed on Saturday/Sunday and the charts will show 0 activity on those days per your selected timezone. If the use case is not showing the weekend days on the x axis altogether, then this is something which is not supported yet.

Userlevel 6
Badge +8

Thanks for that too @Saish Redkar ! Completely missed that. I do think it was for the x.-axis but thanks for pointing out Event Hour of Day / Day of Week properties! Hope you’re well :) 

Userlevel 1

Thanks for the replies.
@Denis Holmes I sent you PM again for the feature request.
And yes our case was for the x-axis, but the exclusion of certain weekdays is helpful nonetheless.

Badge +10

Really interesting there is such strong demand for this! I use Amplitude for several B2B SaaS products but we just use “weekly” rather than “daily” as the standard time interval. I’m curious about the situation where it’s important to be able to see weekdays only?

Thanks for that too @Saish Redkar ! Completely missed that. I do think it was for the x.-axis but thanks for pointing out Event Hour of Day / Day of Week properties! Hope you’re well :) 

Hi! Is there a solution for this topic? I work in a SaaS B2B and the weekends (and holidays) are no useful for us.


Does Amplitude has any update for this feature request raised one year ago ? 
Our team is facing the same situation at the moment. 

@Denis Holmes Are there any recent updates - will a function or other method be implemented to exclude weekends directly from the charts? It would be incorrect to exclude weekends using a filter applied to events, as values for that day on the chart are simply zeroed out, further lowering the average indicator.
