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Using the Formula feature within a segmentation chart, I can measure the number of sessions in which a particular event (or any event) occurs. by simply using PROPCOUNT.

I can measure the number of events that occur without a particular event by segmenting Any Event and a particular event by Session ID, then using the formula PROPCOUNT(A)-PROPCOUNT(B).  This will tell me the number of sessions lacking a particular event, but how can I then analyze that segment to see what commonalities occur among those sessions?

I’d like to see what events did occur in those sessions.

Would Pathfinder help me with this analysis?

It’s not easy to focus your searches to specific sessions. Pathfinder is one option. Another approach could be:

  1. Create a funnel chart like this, using Exclude feature remove those users who perform the event you are analysing:
  2. Click on the group of users you are interested in, for example the converted users in the last step, and select Show User Journeys (this is a beta feature, so I’m not sure if it’s available for everyone) or Explore Conversion Drivers.

Hi @CCrowley ,


I agree with @MikkoKarvonen here! It would be quite difficult to get what you need. If you have cohorts, you could try to create cohorts from the returned users and try to cross reference the cohorts to see the users in common between them. You could then take the users in common and exclude them from the cohort. 


However, I think the methods mentioned by Mikko would be your best bet with something like this, especially the exclude feature of the Funnel Analysis. 


I hope this helps!


Kind Regards,


Thank you Mikko and Denis for your suggestions.  I think this will give me some place to start.  

What I’m interested in is the sessions, not the users. Meaning, I don’t  want to know which users are not doing action A. I want to know what are the users doing during a session if they are not doing action A.

I think the pathfinder will help me get there; and maybe I can create a cohort to help focus the pathfinder chart.

Just to add, @CCrowley , you might want to look into a Funnel Analysis too as it will help you.

I want to know what are the users doing during a session if they are not doing action A.

With Funnel Analysis, you can do just that by selecting the steps and the order you want them in as well as any events you want to exclude between steps. You can then hold the session ID constant so you can only focus on the sessions and create cohorts from there. Would that be more suited to your case?

You can read about how to do that here and with the articles linked therein. Hope that helps!
