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Hi everyone!

Wanted to ask if anyone else is having this issue and how you solved for it. 

We have SDK cross domain tracking on for now + canonicals in our content. Googlebot has deindexed some of our pages due to the url being appended with the deviceId. To be clear, those pages are deindexed since Google sees them as their own page.

Has anyone else experienced this (you can see it in Google Search Console) and what was your solution?


Hi Marianne,

I would be happy to help you with this!

Let me confirm this internally and get back to you. What SDK and version are you using?


P.S. Checkout upcoming events and user meetups on our events page.

Thanks @sydney.koh keep me posted. We’re on the previous version but plan to upgrade it shortly. Thanks

Hi Marianne,

Is it possible to share what you see in the google search console? Since this is a public forum be sure not to share any confidential information like API keys.


P.S. Checkout upcoming events and user meetups on our events page.

Thanks so much @sydney.koh , yes absolutely. Please see below, Google is seeing each url with a device Id as a separate url. We already have canonicals placed. Others who use the SDK method, how did you handle?


An agency told us we need to get rid of the device Id however we need that for cross domain tracking. We use the cross domain tracking “work around’ since our implementation last year and were told Amplitude was working on a work around and then that they weren’t work on one. We’ve been moving our vendors to a subdomain but won’t have them all done for at least a year.


Notice most of the urls (there are 57k of them) have device Ids. Search Console listed all the variations of the urls with different device Ids.
Top of the screen in Search Console which shows the # of pages. There are 57k of these but our website only has about 1600 pages.


Hi Marianne,

Let me confirm this internally and get back to you!


P.S. Checkout upcoming events and user meetups on our events page.
Hi Marianne,

I got a response back!

Engineering said for the topic of Device ID and Deindexed Pages this is a common problem not just for device ids but also for utm parameters.

They wanted me to ask if you have tried adding canonical meta tag to your pages as a solution and they linked this article for you to read more about this topic:
Eg: Cómo especificar una página canónica con rel='canonical' y otros métodos | Central de la Búsqueda de Google | Documentation | Google for Developers


P.S. Checkout upcoming events and user meetups on our events page.
