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Hello, I am creating a Dashboard and I need to display the median time to convert as a the time measured between 2 events. It is properly displayed on the chart create/edit page, but it is not shown when the Funnel is added to the Dashboard. Can you explain what should I do to display it? I am attaching a screenshot to see how it shown (and not) at the moment.


Not shown when in Dashboard:


But shown in the chart’s page. It is that value “2m 2s”:


Hi @dimitrios.damilos 

From what I see as well, it looks like the KPI/metrics view is not supported in a dashboard for the Time to Convert view of a funnel chart.


However it is supported for the Conversion Rate view of the funnel chart when added to dashboard.

I do think that adding view support for this metric in a dashboard is really valuable. You can submit a feature request in here for the Amplitude Product Team -

Hope this helps.
