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Hello Amplitude Community!

My name is Jeremie, and I’m your community manager. We’re here to discuss Amplitude’s products in these categories, where you can search for answers, post questions, and overcome any roadblocks. You can also: 

With this in mind, please introduce yourself by sharing (1) your name and title, (2) where you’re from, (3) and your hobbies and interests (beyond work, if you like!) Here’s a little more about me: 

Hello, I’m Jeremie! I’m joining the team with experience scaling digital customer experiences and building brand communities across industries. I am originally from France. My hobbies are travel, writing, and volunteerism. I’m still relatively new to the analytics space and can’t wait to make my work more data-driven with your help! 


I look forward to meeting you all. Feel free to send me questions about this online forum and Amplitude community programs.

Hey Amplitude community,


I’m on the platform development for the ecommerce store, Trendhim. I’m based in Denmark and assist our various teams with data. I question our datapoints on a nearly daily basis, which results in quite a bit of digging in Amplitude, sometimes dragging Amplitude customer service into the fray (sorry @daniel.balan)


Erh I do gymnastics, and try to stay sane in this funky time :)

Hey everybody! :wave:


I'm Arpit from India and I'm building Data-led Academy for growth and ops professionals to learn how to work with data and get expert, unbiased, actionable answers to all their questions about tools, technologies, and processes related to data!

I like to write, hang out in communities, and talk to my dog (in case you're wondering, I have a handsome Boxer who is serious about his identity and loves beating the crap out of me). :punch::punch:


Looking forward to learning from and contributing to the community!


P.S. I write this almost weekly newsletter and co-host this podcast — needless to say, both are about data! :nerd:

Hi Amplitude Community , 

I'm Deepika from Sydney, AU. I Work for a e-learning startup to build analytics around customers and their e-leaning platform. I am new to streaming events kind of data plus Amplitude as a tool. So, will be asking lots of questions  :)

​Looking forward to learning from this community!

Hi, everyone!

I am Pedro, from Brazil.
I work at TAG, a book subscription club. 
With our mobile app, our subscribers can expand their reading experience and engage with our community.

I’ve been using Amplitude for a while, but I am hoping to keep learning with the community and contribute as a can.

By the way, I created my first post some weeks ago, but it seems it was not approved yet.
Could anyone assist me with that? 

Thanks in advance!

Hello everyone! My name is Matt and I am with REM5 Studios. I am using Amplitude with Unity game engine for virtual reality apps.

I am disappointed that the Amplitude Unity SDK only supports Android and iOS (meaning I am forced to choose a different analytics platform for any Unity apps that support PC, Mac, Linux, etc), however I am attempting to use Amplitude for a VR project that specific to the Oculus Quest (an Android-based VR device) and Vive Focus 3 (another android-based VR device).

Looking forward to learning this platform!



Matt Foreman

Hi everyone!

My name is Mikhail, I am product manager/product analyst in Chillgaming (currently also getting into DS) 

We are using Amplitude to provide product analytics for our mobile games. 

Here are my Kaggle and LinkedIn 

Hi everyone, I’m Joe co-founder of AppJawn, makers of ClipDish. We’ve used Amplitude since we launched our product back in 2020.

I’ve used other analytics tools including Mixpanel, Heap and FullStory.

Despite my experience, I feel like I’m not using Amplitude to it’s full potential and hope to learn from others here.


Welcome to the Amplitude Community @JoeC :grinning:

Hi all,

My name is Boris and I’m currently working as a Senior Product Growth Analyst in one CpaaS+SaaS company from Croatia - Infobip - which is globally present in 70+ countries.

I’m located in Croatia and working on implementing in-product analytics which is going to shift us from sales-led to product-led (PLG) in the foreseeable future which should be the main driver of our exponential growth before the planned US IPO in 2023.

When it comes to my hobbies I’m all over the place, I guess still in the exploration phase even though I’m in my mid-30’s :smile:  From sports (running, swimming, calisthenics...) to salsa dancing, woodworking, uke playing, etc. And soon to be immersed for the first time in the changing-diapers-hobby :baby_tone1:

See you around in the topic threads :wink:

Happy Wednesday morning. I manage a few different membership and recurring membership platforms for coaching clients. 

I’m just trying to figure out if amplitude would be a good platform for our web and analytics members. I am looking to get more insight on customer journey and usage of our wordpress membership site. 

Any ideas or pointers to previous threads on the topic would be useful? 


I’m, Magmood, Digital manager at Burger King South Africa. }

I have been using Amplitude for the last year and we are launching our mobile ordering solution soon, with this launch I  am looking forward to leveraging Amplitude along with our outher CRM partners - Braze, Mparticle and Branch to get the best out of our solution. 

Hello, my name is Tim and I’m using Amplitude with a Flutter app for a mobile app on the blockchain.

Flutter is new to me (my background has been Product in analytics and cybersecurity) so would be keen to be able to ask technical integration questions here and hope to get responses to help me move the ball!

Welcome @patrick24601, @Mamu_89, @assembly. So glad that you’re a part of our growing community! 😃

Hey All!

My name is Andrew Clark, I’m the VP of Product at 15Five (currently hiring PMs!) and I’m based in Indianapolis.

At 15Five, we combine employee performance, employee engagement and manager unleveling in one platform that helps HR leaders transform their organizations. It’s a great product & a great place to work.


Outside of that, I play a lot of board games, play disc golf, do some music production, collect retro video games, and get a lot of family time with my wife and daughter.


Glad to be here!


Hello all, I am Prateek, founder at CustomerGlu, a low code gamified experiences platform. I am attending Amplify 22 and can’t wait to meet fellow Datamonsters!

Hello, I’m Tatiana, from Colombia! I’m joining the Amplitude community with experience of data analytics for digital products and data architecture solutions. My hobbies are biking, hiking and building things. I’m here to explore deeper the possibilities of digital optimization and support others journey to build data-driven analysis for their products.

Hi good people!

I’m a co-founder and content director at Chosen Data, a content & SEO agency for tech companies. I’m at Amplify to learn more about what product companies need to grow, to meet more people who like to grow things. and to improve my skills in Amplitude now that we’ve implemented it on our monetizing website.

Whoever would like to discuss technical blog content or SEO strategy, feel free to seek me out. I love the topic, and will be happy to take a break and grab coffee together. 970-306-3157, LinkedIn.

Happy conferencing,


Welcome @Tatiana and @Branko Kral. If you’re joining the Amplify expo tomorrow over lunch we have a workshop planned. Hope to see you there! 


Hey Amplitude Community,

My name is Satya. I am a product manager working with Tranzact, a B2B SaaS startup for empowering SMEs in India. We provide software to manage transactions, production & inventory. I am leading the product led growth efforts to drive new customer acquisition. 

I’ve used amplitude in my previous organisation and had been a huge fan ever since. Very exited to learn and contribute to the community.

I love to watching football, F1 when I am not working.


👋 Hi Amplitude community,


I am Sam, and I am the co-founder of Autify. I am originally from Tokyo, Japan.

Looking forward to learning more from the community

Hey Amplitude community ! 🛹

I’m Pierre and I am lead developer at Club, a start-up company based in Paris.
I tried many tooling and have been using Amplitude with my last 2 companies. I believe that this is the best tool for analysis of analytics and playing with A/B Test with Experiment!

In my spare time I like to design stuff, experiment tech on the web and play video games, hope the community will be a great place to find my answers! :)

Hi all,

My name is Serg.
I’m iOS Engineer in a product team. We’re located in Kyiv, Ukraine 🇺🇦


Hi Amplitude Community,

My name is Mathéo. I work as a junior digital analyst at Canal+ Group. I’m from France. 😄
I am a huge moviegoer, and pretty much fascinated by audiovisual entertainment overall. 

Pleased to meet you all !

Welcome @Matrak! So glad you’re here! 😃

Hi folks,


I’m Arran Sadlier, currently responsible for leading our Analytics strategy at Smiling Mind, a mindfulness not for profit. We’re about 30 people and our main two separate products are a free App and an educational platform.

Based in Australia (Melbourne) and sometimes remotely around Europe.

Keen to get across the raw Amplitude data (playing with the BigQuery export atm).

Happy to chat with anyone who wants to chat analytics stacks, Amplitude, tracking, SQL, Python or discuss similar challenges. Happy to connect on LinkedIn!

Arran :) 
