
Welcome to the data instrumentation forum!

  • 19 December 2022
  • 0 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +9

Learn, ask questions, or help others with sending data and extracting data from Amplitude.

This is where you can ask and get feedback on questions such as: 

How do I track the first page view?

✅ How do I instrument a duration property?

✅ How can I ingest events via HTTP API v2?

How do I pull a specific event (with all event properties) and export to CSV?

What should be the approach to track push notifications?

✅  How do I get a list of all active users/events/sessions via the API?


Helpful resources: 

Quick Start Guide: instrumentation pre-work, tracking events and properties, cross-platform and separate platform instrumentation

Data Taxonomy Playbook: Part I, II, III

How to organize your team for implementation

Amplitude Academy course: Instrumenting your Data Taxonomy

Still have questions? Post them here

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