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on my ecommerce website, I want to track the drop-off rate of customers from one page to another. Would you mind letting me know how it can be done?

Hey @vancouver 
Depending on how complex your drop-off analysis will be, a funnel analysis chart could be the go-to option here if you are interested in just a few pages to begin with.

I’m assuming you have a Page View event with the page_title and/or url as the event property which can uniquely identify a page view on the pages you are tracking. You can build the funnel using the desired Page view events and by holding your session id property as constant. More on the funnel analysis charts here and here.

If you want to know where and when the drop-offs are happening as users are navigating on your website, a Pathfinder or Pathfinder Users chart could be more useful.


Hope this helps!

Thanks so much Saish! But my situation is a bit complex. Let’s say there are two pages P1 and P2. I want to see the drop off rate from P1 to P2. But sometimes P1 has a tag of “ABC” and sometimes it has a tag of “DEF”. I want to know the drop of rate from P1 to P2 in the situation where P1 displays “ABC”. How do I get the drop off rate for just this specific scenario?

By tag, do you mean an event property? I could be missing additional context here, but from what I interpret, your first step in the funnel could be Page view event for P1 with property value as “ABC” , followed by P2 and then choosing the exact order if that is your use case.

Exact order will ensure that only users moving from P1 → P2 will be counted in the funnel and not who perform any other page visits in between. 



Hey  @vancouver 

@Saish Redkar brings up some important things here regarding exact order, but for the purposes of your analysis it sounds like you’re trying to do a Funnel Analysis where P1 = ABC as per Saish’s first recommendation.

Amplitude’s Funnel Analysis is an event-driven chart so we are querying the associated properties at the time your event was performed. 

Exact Order funnels may be good as well if you have a strict set of steps that your end-user needs to take. You will still be able to filter the same way where P1 = ABC at the time of the first event.
