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I’m trying to measure the vitality of my product with amplitude. Here is a typical scenario that I’m tracking at the moment but can’t find a way to run good analysis:

  • Visitor visits profile page of User A
    • => Event: ‘Profile - View: | eventProps: profileUserId: <id_of_user_a>
  • Visitor signup
    • => Event: ‘User - Create’

Is there a way to connect the event property “profileUserId” with the user created in amplitude (they have the same id) to later know how many signups User A generated?


Thank you in advance,

Hi @dan 

Here’s one way to replicate this via event segmentation chart.

  • You need an user segment which includes just users who have Signed Up i.e. performed User - Create event.
  • Now look at the Profile - View event segmentation for this user segment and group by profileUserId ( Event Totals )
  • This should give you the profile visits by user id for those users who have visited someone’s profile provided they signed up in the designated time interval

Let me know if this works out and if I’m interpreting your use case correctly.

Hi @Saish Redkar ! Thank you for your answer.

This partially answers my question. The last piece that I’m struggling with is how do I link the profileUserId with an amplitude user? When I run this analysis, I get a list of ids. It’s hard to work with for my end user.

The userProfileId is the internalId I use for my amplitude users.


Got it.
If you are controlling the user_id on your end, then it’d be easier if you could use the actual user_id instead of userProfileId is feasible.

The only other approach I can think of is using Lookup Tables to map out your user_id <> userProfileId.

So first the approach, you are saying that I should track “UserProfile - View” with a prop “user_id”? Isn’t it going to conflict with the “user_id” of the person actually doing the action?


As for the lookup table. Is it a feature available in the starter plan?


Thank you!

Thanks for asking @dan This feature is in closed beta. You can reach out to the team here to request access. 

This action will be done by the visitor who would view profile of lets say user ID “ABC”.
The event will be - “UserProfile - View” with event property target_user_id = “ABC”.

Grouping this event by target_user_id ( + applying the previously mentioned segment ) would give the actual user id distribution by number of userprofile views. So if the chart shows “ABC” as the highest count, it would mean that this user’s profile views are the most.

One thing I realized is you would need to ensure that this profile visit happened before the user signed up. So you will have to play around the time interval or use a funnel chart maybe.
