Hi, everyone. I didn’t find the answer either in docs or community.
The desired result is:
How to create the request?
My event data is:
const eventData = {
"event_type": "_all"
What segment definition should be?
I’ve found some information about segments here. So, my definition looks like this:
const s = t{
group_type: "User",
prop: "gp:state",
prop_type: "user",
op: "is",
type: "property",
values: l"verified"]
op: ">=",
type: "event",
event_type: "landing.test",
filters: t],
value: 1,
time_type: ???,
time_value: ???
}, {
op: ">=",
type: "event",
event_type: "test.open_app",
filters: t],
value: 1,
time_type: 'forEachInterval',
time_value: 30
I’m not sure about this construction.
What are all the available values for “time_type”?
Why I should specify 30 for the “forEachInterval”?
Can someone tell me more about “group_type”, ‘prop_type’, ‘type’, ‘event_type’? This parameters are not specified in docs.
Thanks for any help!