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Hello! I have a strange problem with UTMs tracking.

When user visit our website via some link with utm params, inside Amplitude the user properties are set for this user: ‘utm_source’, ‘utm_medium’, ‘utm_campaign’, ‘utm_term’.


Then user signs up, makes different action in the app and upgrades to paid plan. On upgrade we fire Amplitude’s Revenue event. When Revenue event is fired, previously set user properties ‘utm_source’, ‘utm_medium’, ‘utm_campaign’, ‘utm_term’ disappear from user profile. Only ‘initial utm’ user properties are left - but this is not what I need because I need to attribute them to Google Ads integration which works based on ‘utm_source’ and not ‘initial_utm_source’.


What appears in user profile instead of utm user properties is ‘referrer’ = which previously wasn’t there (our upgrade payments are done via Stripe).


My hypothesys is that utm user properties may disappear due to Stripe redirect, but it shouldn’t be like that because Stripe is not a marketing channel and it doesn’t have any UTMs set.


How can I fix this problem so that the UTMs weren’t disappear from user profile? This is really important for us to attribute revenue to proper acquisition channels.

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