
How to send a daily reporting to a Slack channel?

  • 24 May 2021
  • 8 replies


I wish to send a daily reporting of key metrics (a “Team Space”, or selected charts) daily, at 8am, on a specific Slack channel.


How do I do that? I’ve added the Slack integration and it works, but now I’d like to automate it for a daily reporting and I haven’t found any documentation about that.




Best answer by tracy.guo 25 May 2021, 01:58

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8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hey @Ambroise ,

I’m not quite sure if there is a direct way to enable daily automated reporting, but you can try setting up a webhook to a chart’s custom monitor and send the monitors to Slack and see if this helps your use case.

Let me know if I have interpreted your question correctly.




NOTE: This feature is only available to Enterprise customers and those with the Insights package.


Unfortunately, I don’t think I can use that.

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Ah. My bad. Yes, Insights is a paid add-on currently. Apart from this, I don’t see any native way of doing this. Would love hear from the Platform Specialists if there is something else out there.

A long shot would be writing a custom slack bot which connects to the Amplitude Dashboard REST API and then writing your own logic of triggering daily reports based on the results returned by the API.





Yeah, sounds as troublesome as complicated, I don’t really have time for that.

Thank you for your help nevertheless, I hope some Specialist can provide a workaround. :sweat_smile:

Userlevel 4
Badge +3

Hi @Ambroise, thanks for your question!

Currently, Amplitude does not have a feature that would send a report or chart to a slack channel at a recurring, scheduled time.

Some users have implemented this themselves by installing Slack apps that can be used to schedule recurring messages or built their own bots to post a chart link to a channel each day. However, this method has limited capability because links posted by bots cannot be unfurled. Our Slack integration checks that the user who posted the link has permissions to share the chart prior to unfurling the link, and bots cannot be verified at this time. 

If unfurling chart links posted by slackbots is important to your use case, I recommend posting this as a feature request in the Ideas section of the community:

Some details on how to post an idea can be found here: 


Hope this information helps! Let me know if you have any questions!


You can set it with :)


I eventually used the native (and free) Slack command for this.


/remind @canal Stats: every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 8am



@ambroise, did using /remind unfurl the chart? I’d also love to have this feature.
