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User segments from comma separated list does not return correct output?

  • 16 November 2023
  • 3 replies

The event “Completed org creation” returns 32 event triggers in the Amplitude segmentation chart. I download those user_ids  (image 1) and create a comma separated list as stated here in order to create a segment to check those 32 user´s behaviour in other event.

However, when I create the segment using the comma separated list of user_ids dowloaded from Amplitude, the “Completed org creation” event suddenly returns 9 instead of 32 event triggers. I am expecting the same number of triggers. 

I have checked that both graphs show unique users as well as have the same date range. What could be the cause of error here? 


3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @Sammy 

The segment filter seems to be on the orgId field in screenshot #2 instead of user_id?

Thank you for your reply @Saish Redkar and sorry about the typo in the description of the problem. All data is orgId, both the ones I downloaded and the ones inserted into the segment. So difference in what we are comparing is not the error unfortunately.  

Userlevel 4
Badge +9

Hi @Sammy  this might relate to Amplitude merged users (for User IDs) or related to the timing of group property enrichment at the time of an event triggering vs after an event trigger (if the orgId relates to group property tracking using Account-level reporting)

When this event triggers, Completed org creation, have you inspected the raw payload to see the number of times orgId is populated vs empty?
