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As an Amplitude admin and data governor for an organization with dozens of apps there are certain event and group properties for which I need to maintain consistency across dozens of projects.

Just as there is a User Properties taxonomy API method, a Group Properties taxonomy API method would provide a way to automate configuring Group Properties across multiple projects. 

Thanks for this idea @michael.kuhl! I’ve just forwarded it to the team for review! 😁

@Jeremie Gluckman Was this ever picked up? I second the strong need for this. 

@ccanamas thanks for the note, I’ve raised this again with the team. They’ll either respond back here or reach back directly via email.

Hey there Claudia,

At this point in time, it is only possible to work with group properties via API by using our Identify API: 


And why it is not possible to achieve what you are looking for at this time, we do, however, take customer feedback seriously.

I really encourage you to submit a feature request via the Amplitude widget at the bottom right corner on the UI > Give Feedback (please see attached screenshot). 

Please share as much information as possible about your use case and how you visualize the feature. Links are more than welcome! A detailed description would help our Product team understand the importance of the request better. 




@Zhenia Semenina, submitted.

Is there any way I can keep track of that feedback now? I didn’t get any info that my suggestion has been registered anywhere. 

Hi all, checking in again on this. I implemented every possible component on a new project via the taxonomy API, but the project’s event plan is unfortunately only about 1/3 configured due to limitations of the current API.

Groups, group properties, any any remaining settings on event/user items need to be added.