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Dashboard data is not available through REST API

  • 6 April 2023
  • 9 replies

While calling get API by passing amplitude Id in response user id is not obtained.I have attached the issue details.Can you help us in this issue.


Thanks for posting here @vishnu51 and excuse the delay. Were you able to resolve this? Please let us know if you need additional support. cc @Esther Trapadoux 

@vishnu51 just wanted to jump in here since there may be a few reasons why this might be happening. First, are you querying on an event that occurred before that user property was ever sent. When using Amplitude, you are querying on the value of a user property at the time of the event. Here is more information about how user properties are applied:

You can use Microscope to take a look at some of the users in your chart.

If you do not wish to see these '(none)' values, then you will need to make sure that the user property you are looking at is set by the time of the event you are looking at.

Some additional information on "none" values can be found here:

If this isn’t the case, happy to dig into this further with you to figure out what’s going on.

Hi @Esther Trapadoux , Thanks for the reply. We were querying this after the user property sent. Could you guide us on to resolve this?

@vishnu51 sorry about the very long delay, this appears to be related to an issue that the engineering team is already looking into. I’ve escalated this as well.

Hi @vishnu51, my name is Yosimy from the Amplitude Support team! As @Esther Trapadoux mentioned, this seems to be related to an issue that the Engineering team is currently working on. I will let them know that you are also experiencing this issue. We’ve created a Support ticket and will reach out to you via the ticket in case we need any more information

HI team,

can you tell us the update of above ticket and i am also want to address similar issue regarding this api.


i have mainly 2 questions

  • for some users we are able to fetch the  amp_props and some user’s doesn’t contain any amp_props. why it is showing like this ?.
  • this api doesn’t give the device_id .when i am checking this user in the amplitude dashboard from there i can see the data

i am attaching screenshots with this message. please check and update me

Case 1 : 





Case 2 : 



Hi @vishnu51 , the Engineering team is still looking into the issue. I will let them know that you are not able to pull the amp_props using the REST API. Regarding the second case in the last two screenshots, I can see that the user IDs are different. Can you ensure that you are pulling the information for the same user ID? 

hi @Yosimy.Cortes  , the last screenshot was wrong. this is the actual screenshot. as per this screenshot only few events can see from the dashboard.


Hi @vishnu51 , thank you for providing the screenshot. I will share this with the Engineering team while they continue to look into this. 
