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Hello community,


New here, so far love Amplitude, can’t wait to start using it at scale. I started with reading manual and diving into the academy but I would appreciate to bounce of thoughts/ideas on initial setup in amplitude.


The setup


My situation is we have a website (no user session) and product in the following platforms:

  • website (no session)
  • product app ( user logs in )

The thing is we have legacy product let’s call it version 1 and a new product version 2. For some time users will experience both version 1 and 2 but ultimately the idea is to sunset version 1.


The amplitude setup question


Option 1

Do we create one single amplitude project that combines the website and product 1 and product 2.


  • not really sure what might be pros. It would be great if could track someone across everywhere but not really the case.


  • user ids are different in product 1 and 2 so it’s hard actually to track cross projects
  • for example events like “User register” should use some property to tell if the registration is in product 1 or product 2. Feel unnatural.



Option 2

Separate website (project A) from product 1 (project 😎 from product 2 (project C)


  • Clear separation, simple events


  • Will be hard to  track user experience outside the product (ie the website). E.g acquisition → activation etc.


Options 3


Combine website + product 1 (project A) and website product 2 (project B)



  • Follow the journey of the user from acquisition → activation etc.


  • will have duplicate unique users, cause this implementation likely means for each event in the website to have 2 events (one for each project A and project 😎. More unique users.



Would appreciate thoughts from someone actually going through this hurdle?



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