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Hello guys, I'm kinda noob here on Amplitude and maybe you guys could help me out.


When I create a funnel and put some events, I go into "See user paths"… But many paths are duplicated or even the same.


For example:

1st event: Hello

2nd event: Hello

3nd event: Hello


I don't know if I'm asking a dumb question but I'm getting really frustrated with this… and my tech team doesn't know what's going on because they don't know Amplitude.


Can someone help me?


Hey @thomaz.machado

This chart is telling that 16 users under the Pathfinder Users chart followed this path i.e they fired the “Viewed Acesso..” event 4 times after your starting event in question “oEvento] Criador..” within your chart’s selected time interval.

If it’s not logically possible in your product to have such repeated events in that path, then I would suggest checking individual user streams to validate and also the instrumentation code.

You can read more on this chart here.

Hope this helps.
