
Un-merged users & migrating initial_ user attributes

  • 19 December 2023
  • 0 replies

Hi there,

Background: We're were having some issues with users' initial attributes in amplitude being set in a way that doesn't reflect the segment data that we have on them.

  • IE. if we look the users up in amplitude and in segment, their initial_ values don't match, and that's giving us a lot of trouble trying to create attribution rules that make sense for the organization. 
  • ex. in amplitude, the user's initial_ properties look like they're being brought in via email (which doesn't make intuitive sense because email has to be collected on site)... and then when we look them up in segment, we can see the true referring urls are from meta. 

Progress: After some additional investigation, we found that our Segment integration with Amplitude maps Segment Anonymous IDs → Amplitude Device ID. We looked up a user’s identifiers in Segment’s Unify and found two different anonymous IDs associated with the user. In amplitude, these device IDs (anonymous ids) were associated with two distinct users. 

  • Initial user profile with the desired initial_ attributes (no user ID associated)
  • Newest user profile, with initial_ attributes that don’t make business sense (this user has a User ID associated with them)

Now, it sounds like if we were to assign the initial user profile with the user ID, the profiles would merge. However, we don’t want the initial user profile’s attributes to be lost, which sounds like it is a default behavior. It also sounds like there is a work-around to this default behavior


Problem: This is not an isolated issue with this particular user -- thousands of users have this problem in our amplitude instance. We’re looking for:

  1. A batched method to fix this issue for existing user
  2. A programmatic method to merge users with the desired outcome 

Is this possible?

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