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Show Unique Event Count for Custom Aggregate Event that has multiple properties

  • 26 June 2023
  • 4 replies

My product is an application that insurance producers use to grow their business.

I have an event called ‘Search Initiated’ that logs every time a user searches for more business. The Search tool has various options under it, and some are categorized as ‘Cross Sell Search’. These are 8 event properties that indicate the user is looking at businesses that we already sell too - IE, they’re trying to sell them a new product they don’t already have.

When looking at Amplitude events, I have a custom event called ‘Cross Sell Search Initiated’. It logs something every time a user selects at least 1 of the 8 cross sell search features. When building analyses, Amplitude seems to think that each time a cross sell feature is selected, that is a unique event. However I can prove in back end data that sometimes users elect 2 or more of these options in a single search.

Is there a way to show unique event counts for a custom, aggregate event?

See chart attached. The Cross Sell Search Initiated event is a sum of all other events, rather than a unique count.


Can you share a screenshot of the definition of your custom event please?




@Patrick Brehm thanks for raising this, and for detailing the use case. Always helpful to get more info. Very likely @timothy-permutable will jump back in but I’ve also raised this with the internal team so they can reach out as well.

@Esther Trapadoux @timothy-permutable thanks for the response
