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Hi, is there a way to seed my Amplitude account only using csv data? Right now the setup wizard is trying to make me connect an API source, but I just want to import some event data from a csv file and then analyze it with Amplitude. I’m not even able to access the dashboard at all because the setup wizard wants an API connection. Help!


Hi @Andreezy 

That would have been a really good feature to get immediate value from a csv file, but afaik it’s not supported currently.

The two main ingestion avenues would be either to test out the SDK or use one of the cloud storage/warehouses for data ingestion.

If you have Snowflake warehouse, you can try converting the csv data into a table and then setting up the appropriate schema in the sync. Or import that data via S3.

Other option would be to write a script in Python which reads the csv data and posts each event in there to Amplitude via the HTTP API.

But all these ingestion approaches require some dev work upfront.
