In recent weeks we are increasingly seeing the node js code that pulls events from the Export API failing with ESOCKETTIMEDOUT. The code calls the export API asynchronously once a day to retrieve 24 hours worth of events, leaving a gap of about 4 hours to try to get around the fact that the API will fail with a 404 if the final hour/s are not present.
This is not listed as one of the errors that one might receive from the export API :
It is as if the export API is rejecting the request, or that DNS is failing to resolve. However I can subsequently trigger the task manually and it runs without error.
I did not think that this would be due to either missing data based on the time range requested or the data size, because these are supposed to return specific errors, and I have seen the 404 error on previous occasions (which is another thing: why can’t the APi just return the data that it actually has for the date range requested, even if it has nothing for only the final hour of the request?).