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I started tracking an event called “Focused window” that sends an event property in seconds of how long the window is focused for.

The Event Segmentation chart shows me a distribution of the event property value, which is nice, but the property goes up to 5000+ seconds: I’d prefer to see this in hours, minutes, and seconds.

If this is not possible, how do I see it in buckets that exponentially increase in size? My data is such that some events take a few seconds while some events take multiple hours, and the linear buckets make it hard to visualize this.

Hi @michellelim, welcome to Amplitude community!

It is currently not possible to convert seconds into hours, minutes and seconds within the Amplitude UI directly. The ability to create custom buckets for the distribution of property is also an existing (and popular) feature request our product team is aware of.  I have added your use case to it.

Apologies for not having a more immediate solution here.  We appreciate you taking the time to write in with feedback.  Let me know if there's anything else I can help with! 
