
Misunderstanding on account level reporting

  • 2 April 2024
  • 4 replies

Hello, I added my user to groups, and I was reading this article - which suggests that If I click on one of the groups i should see some statistics about that group right? However I see just a blank page :


Am I missing something here? Also there are my groups 

And there is my code snipper of adding user to these groups:


All help is appreciated ;)

4 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Hi @Edgaras Masilionis ,

You’re correctly assigning the user to groups, but note that activity for that user is only attributed to the group after the assignment. So past activity doesn’t show up under the group, but if you trigger additional events and activity, you will start to see charts on the group page (naturally, this means that if you haven’t triggered ANY events, nothing will show up in either case). Hope this helps!


Oh we trigerred a lot of events after adding user to these groups, but we don’t see anything, we see an empty page. Can it be some sort of bug or something?

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Got it. In that case, it may be a bug. We’ll look into it and see if we find anything, thanks!



Hi @Edgaras Masilionis , 


Thanks for reaching out, you are hitting this because the Accounts feature is not available on the Scholarship Plan. Per our help doc:

This feature is available to users on PlusGrowth, and Enterprise plans only.

But we definitely do need better UI indication of this, will be working on fixing that. Thanks! 
