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Last event values only

  • 7 November 2021
  • 2 replies

I have an event 1 with property A which can have one of two values.

I want to do a user segmentation on the prop value but only for the most recent time the event was triggered for each user.

So I want a pie chart that will segment users by the prop value in their most recent triggering of this event.

(It looks like if they trigger it multiple times in the period, sometimes with value A1 and sometimes with value A2, they will feature in both segments of the pie chart)

Unfortunately there is no easy way to filter for the latest value of an event property. We’ve had similar needs on occasion and haven’t figured out a good way to do it.

Would you be able to use only those users that have performed your key event only once during the selected time period and look for the value distribution in that group? It may or may not be a representative sample, depending on the functionality you are tracking.

Hey @rroestorf 

Mikko is right here. There isn’t a straight forward way in using the latest value of an event property for charting purposes in the current basic product offering.

However, there is a new feature set called Computations under the new Amplitude Recommend product line which helps in creating new properties on the fly based on some transformations on an existing property. Not quite sure, but I think this will be an additional paid add-on which can be purchased.

I believe this use case can be solved using the FIRST/LAST VALUE type.





Hope this helps.
