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Hello, I am new to Amplitude and I want to get the maximum from it.
I have a simple scenario where I define some basic user property.
For a number property, is there a simple way to get the sum of this property for all users.
Let’s say:
User 1: user_property = 1

User 2: user_property = 3

Display the total user_property=4

Thank you!

Hi George. I’d recommend using a Segmentation Chart and then switching the metrics to event totals. Hopefully this helps.



Hi @Georges Legentil 

Since this is a numerical user property, you can either use the Property Sum metric or the PROPSUM custom formula to chart this out

Hello, thanks for your answer.
To get the most out of Amplitude, we'd like to know if it's possible to architect the platform to meet our needs. In fact, we'd like to obtain sums and averages based on user properties only. Not linked to any kind of events.
With kind regards,

Hi @Georges Legentil 

Since Amplitude is an event based analytics tool, all your metrics and stats will have to be ideally based on a event.

User properties are always attached to the events performed by the end user, so any calculations on those will need to have the relevant event selected.
