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I’m trying to understand the different meanings of start events in retention graphs. When I select “Any event” instead of “New user” as my start event, my monthly bounded retention increases significantly.


What does that mean? Am I now counting users twice, because in month three, I’m no longer just counting the users that did my return event three months after being new to my product, but also every user who did the return event three months after any other event they did before?

Hey @tcwalther 

You are not double counting per se, but essentially including any user that was active during your chart’s time interval i.e when they fired any event as their starting event. So this will include both existing users + new users.

When you select New User as your starting event, this includes only users who became new ( fired new user event during the retention chart’s time interval ).
Comparing chart 1 and chart 2 , you see that the new users ( 30771) are the subset of all active users (70,857) during last 30 days. And the retention rates are different for these two.

Hope this helps.

