Is anyone else seeing incorrectly formatted timestamps from the Export API? This is causing an error for a script I have that calls that API.
The issue I’m seeing is that events roughly with a processed_time
value that’s between 2022:05:27 01:02:50.047099
and 2022:05:27 11:28:48.569078
do not have that field in ISO-8601 format. An example of the format I would expect is 2022-05-27T00:27:49.773Z
From the Export API documentation, it’s stated that that field should be an “ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.” which means the year, month, and day should be separated by a hyphen.
Any help from the Amplitude support team would be much appreciated.
API docs for response data, copied here:
"server_received_time": UTC ISO-8601 formatted timestamp,
"app": int,
"device_carrier": string,
"city": string,
"user_id": string,
"uuid": UUID,
"event_time": UTC ISO-8601 formatted timestamp,
"platform": string,
"os_version": string,
"amplitude_id": long,
"processed_time": UTC ISO-8601 formatted timestamp,
"user_creation_time": UTC ISO-8601 formatted timestamp,
"version_name": string,
"ip_address": string,
"paying": boolean,
"dma": string,
"group_properties": dict,
"user_properties": dict,
"client_upload_time": UTC ISO-8601 formatted timestamp,
"$insert_id": string,
"event_type": string,
"amplitude_attribution_ids": string,
"device_type": string,
"device_manufacturer": string,
"start_version": string,
"location_lng": float,
"server_upload_time": UTC ISO-8601 formatted timestamp,
"event_id": int,
"location_lat": float,
"os_name": string,
"amplitude_event_type": string,
"device_brand": string,
"groups": dict,
"event_properties": dict,
"data": dict,
"device_id": string,
"language": string,
"device_model": string,
"country": string,
"region": string,
"is_attribution_event": bool,
"adid": string,
"session_id": long,
"device_family": string,
"sample_rate": null,
"idfa": string,
"client_event_time": UTC ISO-8601 formatted timestamp,