How do I set `user_properties` on identify calls with ampli?
This page here say that the ampli will generate an identify method with an overload that looks like:
ampli.identify('user_id', {/* user props */}, {/* amplitude options */ })
but that isn’t what I see with `@amplitude/ampli/1.31.0 darwin-arm64 node-v18.14.1` / `@amplitude/analytics-browser@1.9.1`
* Identify a user and set user properties.
* @param userId The user's id.
* @param options Optional event options.
userId: string | undefined,
options?: EventOptions,
): PromiseResult<Result> {
if (!this.isInitializedAndEnabled()) {
return getVoidPromiseResult();
if (userId) {
options = {...options, user_id: userId};
const amplitudeIdentify = new amplitude.Identify();
return this.amplitude!.identify(
type `EventOptions` looks promising, especially the `.extra` field -- but when passing values into that field, do not see them in the user_properties event of the outgoing identify requests.
I can and will drop down to the untyped SDK, but how am I supposed to do this with the ampli wrapper?