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Google Tag Manager as a data source

  • 23 May 2023
  • 1 reply

I was able to add Google Tag Manager as a data source. I have added one PageView tag. Do I need to add custom tags for every event we want to track? Also, will this connector get us the web data similar to how we see in GA?


I’d appreciate your help!

Simple answer is “it depends”, sorry! The most basic solution is to have a 1 tag = 1 event approach….but depending on your proficiency with GTM it’s perfectly possible to reduce the volume of tags required for your set of events. There isn’t really a fixed answer here, it completely depends on your setup/ capability.

It’s worth me mentioning that the “page view” event isn’t something I’d personally advocate, Amplitude isn’t really like Google Analytics in that respect. It can be if you want it to be, but, there are some much more sophisticated user journey features in Amplitude which become even more powerful if you avoid “page view” and instead construct “view hompage”, “view product page”, “view thank you page”, etc (whatever aligns to the structure of your website).
