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getting 'Chart not found' error when trying to fetch chart data

  • 21 June 2023
  • 2 replies

This is the url to chart I’m trying to fetch: 


This is my request:

curl --request GET \
--url '' \
--header 'Authorization: Basic REDACTED_TOKEN'


This is the response I’m getting:

HTTP 404: Not Found (Chart not found)


Project ID: 411142

Project Name: 웅진빅박스


What may be the issue? There should be chart data returned, right?

Hi @DPA 

I would verify couple of points here -

  • Ensure that the chart id in the curl command is accurate and is accessible in the UI. It shouldn't be a deleted chart link.
  • Ensure that your api key + secret key belongs to the same project that your chart lives in

I sent the chart url that is working and is not deleted chart. So the chart id should be correct.

Other endpoints are working with those api key and secret key:
