When I create “simple” GA4 destination syncs, everything looks fine. “All events” or one particular event - both options are working.
But when I try to make sync a bit more complicated, I can’t change Status from disabled to enabled, or update mappings. UI shows me this: Sync failed to update. Please try again or contact support.
And POST request to this URL: https://analytics.amplitude.com/t/graphql/org/MYORGNUMBER?q=dataIOUpdateSync returns internal server error:
"message": "Internal Server Error"
"data": {
"dataIOUpdateSync": null
Also, if I change default mappings from the device_id & user_id to something else, I can’t go back to the defaults . I.e., if I chose City instead of device_id, I can’t find & set back the device_id - it’s just missing in the property list.