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We have integrated amplitude with segment and added some user properties like fbclid, gclid, initial_referrer, utm_source, and I have checked that now it is coming in amplitude but when I was trying to filter by fbclid in the chart for any user I was not able to see `fbclid` user property there, then I have checked in govern page in event properties and what can I see is fbclid user property was moved to event property, It should be present in user properties too, Fbclid property is only availale for some events as it’s a event property. We have other properties like gclid is still in user properties then why some user properties are moved to event properties? Is there any way to move those event properties to user properties, so we can use that property for filters in chats? We are sending all user propeties to all type of events (page, identify, track).



Hi @Mitesh Tagadiya

Thank you for writing this post. I believe we had a ticket with you for the same issue. In case you did not receive the response, I will explain it here again: 

If you use Amplitude SDKs for ingesting data, Amplitude SDKs only track the listed user properties by default. All other user properties and event properties are sent by your organization. Amplitude will also not move user properties to event properties, nor the other way around. 

If you ingest data into Amplitude via Segment, the properties you would like to be Amplitude User Properties should be sent across as ‘traits’ instead of ‘properties’ in Segment. Any property that are sent as ‘properties’ via Segment will become event properties. Please see the documentation:

Once the properties are set as event properties, it is not possible to convert them into user properties. You will need to send them again in a proper way. 

I hope this is helpful to you. Please let me know if you have follow-up questions!



@Yuanyuan Zhang Thank you for your response, The issue for user properties was fixed now, but we have got many wrong fbclid values as we can see in the filter PFA, Is there any way to remove those wrong values like `?gclid=Cj0KCQjw_fiLBhDOARIsAF4khR06aR1xg_vzLV7ahZvhPEF6gMWkHMa3bXrk7STuVN4i4qqRQOy3aBkaAjCsEALw`? How can we delete user property values or is there any way to add a filter to hide the wrong values?

