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On our chatbot app, users can do the following for each query/response set:
1.    Add Comments
2.    Give Thumbs up
3.    Give Thumbs down
4.    Give Thumbs up with comments
5.    Give Thumbs down with comments


The app is triggering the following separate events in Amplitude. These are the event properties:
name: comment
value.comments: TRUE
value.correct: NULL
value.EventId: “unique identifier assigned to the chat interaction”

Thumbs up
name: feedback
value.comments: FALSE
value.correct: YES
value.EventId: “unique identifier assigned to the chat interaction”

Thumbs down
name: feedback
value.comments: FALSE
value.correct: NO
​​​​​​​value.EventId: “unique identifier assigned to the chat interaction”


There are no unique events for thumbs up/down with a comment, and we cannot change that right now.
In other words, when a user provides Thumbs down with a comment, the events come through separately (A Comments event and a Feedback event with value.correct=No). This is tied to the user interface, which we cannot modify at the moment.

In order to report on the 5 distinct categories mentioned above, we are also sending in an Event ID to Amplitude, to tie the Thumbs + Comment information together. The event ID is a unique identifier given to each chat interaction, and it gets captured under property “value.EventId”. Each query/response set gets its own unique Event ID.

Our question is: How can we use the Event ID to tie together thumbs up/down and comment actions in Amplitude?

Is it possible to join separate events with a common/shared property? If yes, please share the steps.

The goal is to be able to count the number of comments and thumbs by Event ID. IOW, if the event ID is the same, we want to club together the comment and feedback events and count them as 1. 

Looking for the best way to accomplish this. Please note that I am unable to create derived properties.

Thank you very much!

Hi Silvia,

Thanks for writing to Amplitude Community, happy to help!

Just to confirm my understanding, you have separate events being triggered whenever a user 'thumbs up' or 'thumbs down' with comment. For example, 'Thumbs Down' event and then a 'Comment' event is set. However, you wish to tie these separate events into one event - is that correct?

There is no way to tie events together based on their event ID. Can you clarify what you meant by 'In order to report on the 5 distinct categories mentioned above, we are also sending in an Event ID to Amplitude, to tie the Thumbs + Comment information together. The event ID is a unique identifier given to each chat interaction, and it gets captured under property “value.EventId”. Each query/response set gets its own unique Event ID'? Do you mean that you are sending in your own custom event ID?

One option that comes to mind would be to set the comment as an event property instead of an event. This way the comment is tied to the 'Thumbs down' event and you would be able to filter on that event property. However, you mentioned that you cannot change how the events are currently being tracked. Could you let me know more about why you cannot change this?

Looking forward to your response!


P.S. Checkout upcoming events and user meetups on our events page.

Hi Yosimy!

The eventID is assigned on our tool itself and sent into Amplitude as an additional property with the Feedback and Comment events. It acts as an identifier for the chat (query + response) interaction. It is not an Amplitude Event ID, it is not an Amplitude generic property.

Does that help clarify?

And yes, we wish to tie these separate events into one event. We thought of using the eventID, because it is common to the 2 events we wish to tie together, but if there is another way to do it, that is fine.

Lastly, changing the event trigger requires changes to the front-end of the app, which we cannot do at the moment.

Thanks again.

Hi Silvia,

Thank you for clarifying! Unfortunately, Amplitude does not currently support the ability to join separate events based on a common event property.

I checked with my internal team and one possibility would be to create a custom event. This allows you to filter for specific properties for an event while also combining the query with another event. This way, you can track the combined actions of 'Thumbs Up/Down' and 'Comment' as a single step.

Another option is to use the 'holding constant' feature in the funnel chart if both the event properties have the same name. This feature allows you to hold the post_id property common for the events. You can read more about this feature here and here. So you can create a funnel chart of users who trigger both the 'thumbs up/down' event and then trigger the 'feedback' event and holding your custom event ID property constant.

If these options don't work for your use case, then this would be a feature request. I can go ahead and submit a feature request on your behalf to the Product Development team. Please let me know if you would like me to move forward with this option.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.


P.S. Checkout upcoming events and user meetups on our events page.

Dear Yosimy,

I understand, thank you for looking into it.

Yes, that would be great, if this could be added to Amplitude at some point, thank you!



Hi Silvia,

You're very welcome, happy to have helped! I have submitted the feature request to the Product Development team.

Please let me know if you have any other questions.


P.S. Checkout upcoming events and user meetups on our events page.
