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I’m having issues getting the bigquery export set up for our account. I’ve configured the service account to spec, uploaded the key json, created the target dataset, verified correct entry of info, and I’m just seeing a little red alert icon.


It says contact support… but then there’s no way for me to do that 🤔


Hi @Jake Livingston thanks for writing in about this and apologies for the delay! I saw your support ticket and will bump this with the team in case there is a bug. In the meantime, can you also try the following steps to troubleshoot:

  1. Test the permissions of the service account to ensure that the provided service account can in fact create a transfer. (and the other operations we test)

  2. Try adding bigquery.datasets.update to the service account.

  3. Try to add the Data Owner or the Data Admin role. If it works, they can work backwards using favicon.icoIntroduction to IAM  |  BigQuery  |  Google Cloud to determine what may be missing.

  4. If you provided an existing dataset. Try providing us the name of a dataset that does not exist, but you’d like us to create.


Thanks! Data Owner worked. I’m going to try setting this up for our dev environment working my way from the spec up to owner to see where the line is.
