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Can't enter a name for a new source.

Hello there, 

After a lot of issues i finally managed to link Adjust to Amplitude by adding it as a new source.

The issue is that i has no name, and i can’t add one. Meaning that when i want to create a new event i can’t find it in the “sources” field. 

Anybody can please help me on this ? 
Thanks ! 

@João Alves hi and welcome to the community! Can you confirm whether the events have shown up? If this was your first time instrumenting adjust events, sometimes it can take up to 24 hours for the first events to fully appear in Amplitude UI. Perhaps that was what you were experiencing? Let me know if you saw any changes. 

Hey @Esther Trapadoux , thank your for your fast reply ! 

Unfortunately the events still haven’t shown up in the Amplitude UI. Even the basic events (Basic setup) such as clics, installs, sessions etc. 

They should automatically appear in the events page, or am i wrong ? 

Thank you for your help ! 
