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I want to clean the events ingested into Amplitude via Segment. We have more than 19000 different events due to a mistake.

I was following this tutorial to set the events status to “blocked”, but when I try to re-upload the modified CSV, it says “something went wrong”.

I tried to re-upload the same CSV but without any modification, and it failed too.

Am i doing something wrong ?
Do you know if there is another way to block those unwanted events ?

Hey @martin 

As per the docs, bulk editing your schema is only available for organizations who have purchased the Govern Add-on. Also, you must be a manager or admin to make changes to the Schema.

If both the above conditions are checked on your end and there is no specific error message, then I think you shouldn’t have any issues unless it’s some ongoing Amplitude bug.

I’ll let @Denis Holmes take a closer look at this one.

Hi @Saish Redkar !

Thanks for the answer. How much would it cost to purchased the Govern Add-on to do this specific task ?

Hey @martin 

I’m not sure of the pricing structure here . If you are already on an Enterprise plan, then your Customer Success Manager should be able to help you with that.

Hi @martin

@Saish Redkar is absolutely correct that you would need Govern Add-on for bulk editing your schema. Thanks a lot, Saish!


If you would like me to connect you with our Sales team to discuss the Govern Add-on purchase, please let me know. Looking forward to hearing back from you!

Kind regards,

Hi !
Thanks for your help !
I’ve finally found a workaround by reading this tutorial:

Thanks for your help !
