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Hi Community!


My team is currently developing a new feature to show our professional users view and contact statistics. Currently we are sending view and contact events to Amplitude and need to access these in order to calculate the statistics, on demand, for each user and serve/present them in our App & web.

My understanding is that there is no endpoint we can use in the Amplitude API that can return a selection of events, for a single user, for a configurable time-frame. Is this correct?

If the understanding above is correct, as an alternative, we were thinking to integrate Amplitude with out ElasticSearch cluster using a Webhook.

Additionally, looking at the Webhook configurations, it seems that the Webhook would be called for every event received. Is this correct? Is there a way to batch the calls to the Webhook (e.g.: Event Streaming configuration)? Also, is a request volume limitation (request/minute)?

I would be must grateful if you could help us find the best solution for this use case.

Thanks in advance,




Hi @Pedro Lau Semedo 

For your use case, have you tried building a event seg chart using the endpoint?

Afaik, you can get the desired result using your custom user_id and event name as the filters based on what kind of stats you are looking for.


Hi @Saish Redkar,


Many thanks for your suggestion, We’ll have a look😉

My understanding is that we’ll need to make a call for each event type - correct?




