We are using Adjust as attribution tool and forward the data to Amplitude. With iOS14 an the SKAd Network we see aggregated data in Adjust for our paid networks but this data is not forwarded to Amplitude. My understanding is that Amplitude needs the IDFA or IDVF to match the attribution data with actual users, otherwise the data will be dropped. So currently the aggregated data from paid networks on iOS14 is completely missing in Amplitude.
In the documentation on this topic (https://help.amplitude.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047228311-FAQ-Apple-s-iOS-14-IDFA-Changes#does-amplitude-require-idfa-on-attribution-events) I stumbled over this sentence: “We are working with attribution vendors to see whether there is any aggregated data that our customers can send to Amplitude.”
Any news on that…?