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Why can't I visualise for the whole cohort in pathfinder?

  • 20 June 2023
  • 1 reply

I have made a cohort of all anonymous users in Amplitude and am attempting to see the most common path they take in the product via pathfinder. In total, the cohort contains about 11,000 users. 

When I attempt to set up a pathfinder starting with ‘start session’, I can only see 687 users as part of step 1. What am I missing here that is preventing me from visualising the complete cohort?


Hi @Kashif Arain, I have a few follow-up questions on this

  • Do you have any additional filters in the chart segment, beyond the cohort condition, that might be filtering out some eligible users from the original cohort? 
  • Are you using pathfinder, journey map, or top user paths for your analysis?
    • If you’re using pathfinder or top user paths, this will only display data on users who triggered session generated browser-side events.
    • If you have server-side event tracking where Session ID = -1 and if your cohort is inclusive to users who only performed these server-side events, then they won’t show up in the “Start session” starting event
    • Also, how far is the date range look back for activity in the cohort vs the chart?
