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Hi, we’ve recently integrated Amplitude Analytics for our Android app, and we did not enabled it on prod yet.

I encountered the problem on our dev project. Some of the user properties that should be tracked automatically are missing, screenshot are below:

For every events Family, OS is also missing:


Versions of Amplitude libs used in the project:

amplitude = "com.amplitude:analytics-android:1.5.2"amplitudeAbTest = "com.amplitude:experiment-android-client:1.8.0"amplitudeConnector = "com.amplitude:analytics-connector:1.0.0"

Hi @raisa.lemishko

Thank you for writing this post!

I am converting this post to a ticket to follow up with you!


I will mention how did I resolve this issue, maybe it will be helpful for someone in the future:

The reason was that wrong Amplitude class was used for Amplitude initialisation:
com.amplitude.core.Amplitude instead of

val amplitude = Amplitude(Configuration(apiKey = apiKey, context = context))

The correct class is mentioned in the Amplitude documentation

But com.amplitude.core.Amplitude should actually be used in the rest of the places, including integration with Amplitude Experiment, since is the implementation of com.amplitude.core.Amplitude, it is preferred to use an interface over the implementation. 
