Hi @Uri Ronen ,
Unfortunately, at this time we do not have an EU endpoint for the User Profile API. However, this is on our radar and we are hoping to release it within the first half of next year. However, would you be so kind as to send me your email address you use for Amplitude and Org ID in a PM so I can add them as a feature request to show there is demand? Thank you!
Kind Regards,
Is there any way to get user data via API then?
Any endpoint that I can use with a Europe api key and secret key?
@Denis Holmes
Any updates on User Profile API for EU
I just tried to make a cURL towards “https://profile-api.amplitude.eu.com/v1/userprofile?” but with no look.
I have a customer that hoped to use this to get a list of cohorts to an App (IOS & Android) to evaluate a Loyality level. The plan was to use Feature Flags with a Cohort condition, but there are a 1-hour delay on updates. So instead we wanted to request the Cohort directedly on App start.
But that does not seem possible on an EU account??