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Tracking entry points from multiple resources

  • 1 July 2024
  • 2 replies

We have a page that lists resources and one can come to the page through multiple entry points which are:

  • Through an email notification
  • Any other page on the platform
    • From their Home page: Dashboard that they see when they login
    • Search Results Page:
      • Once they perform the search and any matching resource is listed, they can click on the resource and asked to login, if they are not.
      • Once they perform the search and any matching resource is listed, they can click on the resource and directly view the resource.
  • From social media

How do I then track the multiple entry points and understand how did the user reach the resource page to understand the user behaviour? Can I track it using UTM for social media and referrer for some other page on the platform, however this will not help me filter the page viewed event successfully. Please advise.


HI @India Partner Network 

Tracking referrer URL and UTMs can help in this use case.

Grouping by on any of them as properties on your page view event will help you answer your question.

Can you share your concern on “this will not help me filter the page viewed event successfully”?

Can you share your concern on “this will not help me filter the page viewed event successfully”?

By this I mean that if someone has come through social media, the UTM would be used and if someone has come from within a page then the referrer has to be used. So what will be the common property using which I can filter and group by?

  1. So, say I come from the email notification and land on a particular page? Will the utm and referrer parameters both get saved? And do I need to explicitly add the UTM details in the URL or Amplitude automatically captures that? The flow here is as follows -
  • (Step 1) User clicks on a knowledge resource link in the email notification
  • (Step 2) views the resource page but cannot see anything as he/she is not logged in
  • (Step3) Logs in and gets redirected to the same page where they can view the data. 

So, say I create an event, (resource_page_viewed) to track how many reached Step 2 and Step 3. The actual view happens when a user logs in. So, I can add a user property user_logged_in to filter only Step 3 numbers because that is where the actual view happens. So, in this case when I come to Step 2, what will be the utm parameters when they come from the email? Do I need to append the URL in the email with the UTM parameters? If yes, can you share a sample URL with me? How will the referrer information get stored at this step? Do I need to append the URL with referrer information too?

Now, say the UTM and referrer information is stored and a session starts when I come to Step 2, so will the referrer and UTM information remain the same when I move from Step 2 to Step 3 or will the Step 2 page become the new referrer? What will happen to the UTM parameters at this step?


And what will be the referrer and UTM parameters for Step 3?


And how do I make sure that the right referrer is captured while I keep moving across different modules of my product?
