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In a Data Table I can very easily sort high > low or low > high in the event/ metric columns…


...but in some cases i want to sort by the values of the Group By variable...and can see no option for this. Is it not possible?


Hi @dangrainger - when you say you want to sort by the Group By values, do you mean you hope to sort the values alphabetically?

It’s this...when you create a Data Table, you can select your Group By variable, such as…

….but then I wanted to be able to sort by the values of that Group, not by the Metrics/ Events in the columns to the right. In this example I wanted the ordering of the rows to be 01-02 weeks, 02-03 weeks, and so on, but could not see a way to achieve this.

However, I’ve just inadvertently stumbled on the solution. Bizarrely you have to click on the blank space above the selectors, rather than clicking on the three dots to look for a sorting button that isn’t there…it’s not intuitive, but at least I’ve figured it out!


Kudos to solving this on your own @dangrainger -- you’re exactly right about needing to click on the blank space above the selectors to sort by the values of the group by.

I think you bring up a great point, though, about it not being intuitive. Would you mind submitting this as an “Idea” to our product team please? Really appreciate the feedback! I’m sure other customers feel similarly. 
