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Slack notifications upon an event

  • 29 December 2021
  • 4 replies

Hey there,

Does the slack integrations allows me to be notified when a certain event occurs.

What i mean here is the following: Imagine one of the events that I start sending to Amplitude is “New User Created”. I create an analysis chart for it, and that’s all good, but I would actually like to be notified every time this event occurs.

Does the slack integration support this functionality (paid or free tear regardless)?

Keep up the great work!

As far as I know, this isn’t possible via the Slack integration. If Amplitude allowed us to build custom monitors that sent alerts each time the value on a chart increased, you could possibly use that custom monitor to then trigger a custom webhook to Slack to send a slack message with the alert, but the functionality of custom monitors is currently too limited to achieve what you are looking to do. 

Hello @cavalheiro! Thanks for your question. Happy to help.


At this time, there isn’t a way to set up Slack notifications for every time a specific event is fired in your project. In this case, I have filed a feature request to our Product Team on your behalf.

The closest functionality we have to what you are looking for would be what @SheenaGreen recommended which is to create a custom monitor for a value that is either above or below a particular value or percentage and then use webhooks to trigger a Slack notification. Here is the link to our documentation on custom monitors. You can also read more on webhooks in the article linked here.


I hope this helps! Let us know if you have more questions.

Appreciate the help ^^

I would love to +1 this feature request. The alert option only works for daily reporting from what I saw. I would like to send a slack notification anytime one specific event is fired as close to real time as possible. 
